1962 - 2004

Tragically, Jack Robinson passed away in an accident in 2004 but his legacy is a part of the spirit that is IPR (The Institute of Production and Recording).  As co-founder, he shared vision of excellence in education and innovation in technology, community involvement, and the creation of a new cultural and technological renaissance to benefit the children of our community.  Teaching the youth and inspiring musicians was jack’s primary goal. For all students who had the dream of making music, Jack was dedicated to helping them accomplish that dream. His goals and accomplishments will forever be uplifted, through those with whom he shared his dreams.



To create, manage and maintain community based multimedia arts, music and recording technology after school programs.   To carry forward a vision of excellence in education, creativity, music technology and public achievement as tools for communication and self-awareness. The JLR Foundation is a nonprofit with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The JLR Foundation provides financial support and sustainability for all of the Ideawerks programs.



To provide opportunities for youth to engage in positive artistic and social education activities.   To provide youth with safe and free after-school and evening arts-based educational programs, where caring adults mentor youth.   To offer opportunities for academic enrichment.   To increase parental involvement and extend social capital through creative strategies for public engagement and democracy building.


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